Access Care recruits self-employed live-in care workers and introduces them to private households and family’s all over the UK. If you are self-employed, it means that you work for yourself and not an employer. Some care agencies decide to employ their carers, but we believe there are more benefits to being self-employed for both the home Carer and their Clients.

Last week, we interviewed some of our registered carers to ask them why they like being a ‘self-employed Live in Carer.’
“I like being self-employed because you can be flexible with your work. You can choose how much you would like to work, and you can also choose when and how much time you have off. Another perk with this agency in particular is that I get to choose which jobs I apply for. If you work for an employed agency, you have to go wherever they send you. Being self-employed means that I have more choice in the work I do, and I can choose which clients I would like to care for. Overall, this makes me happier in my work.”
“I like being a self-employed live in carer because not only can you develop a great relationship with your client, but you can get to know the environment you are working in really well. If you have a regular client, you can get to know each other in no time and you become a specialist in their conditions.”
“My favourite thing about being a self-employed live-in carer is that I can take time off whenever I like, and my work never clashes with my personal life. I really enjoy meeting new people and this job makes that extremely easy.”
“I enjoy my job because you can choose if you would like to work long-term or short-term. New clients provide me with new challenges, and this makes working very exciting. I personally love providing palliative care to my clients because you can make the end of their life special. I always aim to care with my heart and being a self-employed live-in carer allows me to do this easily.”
“The relationships you create with your client and their family while being a self-employed livein carer are second to none. You can go into a stranger’s home and by the time you start caring for them, you become friends so quickly and almost become part of the family. Sometimes when you spend Christmas or special occasions with your client and their family, they will give you a gift or a card, which is very rewarding and makes me feel so happy and welcome! Also, the money is great compared to an office or a care home job.”
Where to start
If you like the look of the benefits of being a self-employed live-in carer and would like to register with us, please give our lovely recruitment consultant, Tahira a call on 01264 319 384. You can also register with us online by visiting our website.
If you would like to start a new career in care and are looking for training, we provide this too. You can mention training on the phone when you speak with Tahira, or we have
information about training on our website.