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Our Friends....

We are delighted to introduce you to our wonderful friends who we truly believe will be able to help you as you navigate your care journey.


From impartial homecare advice to financial advisers, we have made many chums since 1994 and firmly believe that sharing is caring!

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The place to find expert, friendly and impartial advice on arranging a Live-in Carer.

The charity are buying cutting-edge medical equipment for Basingstoke, Winchester and Andover hospitals.

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Trusted accredited financial advisers who understand financial needs in later life.

International clinics providing award-winning cognitive healthcare services.


 Private GP practice in the heart of Winchester, Hampshire.

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We go beyond the traditional taxi service to ensure our clients can get out and live their lives to the fullest.

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Here to make your life easier with a stairlift or homelift.


The leading UK-wide charity dedicated to funding vital research to help sick and disabled babies, children and young people.


An Estate Planning service that protects assets for future generations and support with putting Wills, a range of Trusts and Powers of Attorney in place.


 Making a positive difference to the lives of vulnerable young people

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Proud to be an award-winning, family-run insurance company.

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