Why Choose Live-in Care?
When a person requires more support than ‘Hourly Carers’ can give (who pop in once or twice per day), but ardently wishes to remain in their own home, 'Live-in Care' is the perfect option.
Often comparable in cost to residential care homes, it offers the best of both worlds; seamlessly combining care and independence to provide peace of mind for the whole family. Staying in your own home is the primary benefit of ‘Live-in Care,’ but there are many others.
Someone to make and accompany to appointments – doctor, dentist, hairdresser, chiropodist, physiotherapist, etc. A reminder to take their medication so nothing is ever missed. A Companion and a friend to talk to, laugh with, to attend family celebrations with, so there is no need to miss weddings, christenings, and birthdays.
Someone there to help settle down for the night, feeling warm, safe, secure, and comfortable. Help to wash and dress, and get ready for the day. Peace of mind for all the family knowing that there is indeed ‘someone there', and a loved one is not alone.