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Prioritising Health & Wellness for our Clients & Live-in Carers

Cancer Prevention Action Week: February 19th - 25th, 2024 

A group of ladies holding cancer prevention logo in hands

As a Live-in Care Agency providing support for the elderly, we know first-hand that your health and well-being is of paramount importance to you, especially as you age. This includes your physical health, emotional balance, and mental clarity. 

During Cancer Prevention Action Week, which is taking place on 19th-25th February 2024 this year -  it’s the perfect opportunity to share knowledge and remind ourselves of the importance of regular health screenings, a balanced diet, and an active lifestyle. 

Understanding the impact of Cancer on our lives and the action we can take to prevent it, is vital. We encourage all our staff and Live-in Care clients to participate in health-promoting activities and our Live-in Carers work hard to ensure our clients know about preventive measures. So in this post, we explore and share this knowledge with you - knowledge which helps us safeguard our clients well-being and ensures the high quality of our home care services.

Understanding Cancer

Cancer is a broad term encompassing various diseases characterised by abnormal cell growth, occurring in virtually any part of the body and exhibiting a range of symptoms. 

The impact of cancer on our global community is significant. Understanding the nature of cancer and recognising our vulnerability, allows us to empower ourselves - awareness is needed to help mitigate its risks.  Here are the key risk factors recognised globally:

Key Risk Factors

Tobacco Use

Tobacco remains one of the most potent risk factors for cancer. The use of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco products has been directly linked to various forms of cancer, including lung, mouth, and throat cancers.  Our home carers can encourage, support and assist you in limiting or completely stopping smoking, if you have expressed a desire to do so.

Unhealthy Diet

Diets high in processed foods, saturated fats, and low in vegetables and fruits may contribute to cancer risk. A balanced diet on the other hand, which is when a healthy amount of nutrients and antioxidants are eaten, can fortify our bodies against cancer. Our Live-in Carers are often asked to cook meals for our clients that we provide domiciliary care for. Cooking with fresh, whole ingredients rather than relying on processed foods not only supports overall health but may also play a role in cancer prevention

Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is widely recognised as a contributing factor to cancer risk. The elderly’s mobility or age-related issues may limit their capacity for vigorous activity, but our private carers can help with appropriate exercise routines that accommodate their unique circumstances. 

Gentle stretching, chair yoga, or light resistance training can be conducted in the comfort of home and still yield health benefits. Additionally, fostering an environment that motivates gentle movement throughout the day — such as short walks or simple household tasks — can be instrumental in minimising sedentariness. 

The supportive presence of a Live-in Carer and encouragement can make all the difference in helping you stay active according to your abilities, and therefore contributes to cancer prevention efforts.

Exposure to Carcinogens

Exposure to harmful substances like asbestos, second-hand smoke, and UV radiation can significantly up the chances of developing cancer. Minimising contact with these agents is crucial for a comprehensive approach to prevention. 

Early Detection and Screening

The saying "prevention is better than cure" really hits home when it comes to cancer. Early detection, thanks to regular screenings and check-up's, is one of the best ways to stay ahead of it.

The Significance of Regular Check-Ups

Regular check-ups and screenings are critical components in the early detection of cancer, which is often key to more favourable outcomes and simpler treatments. 

Our live-in home carers know that it is important to facilitate an environment that prioritises these health appointments if and when necessary. This can mean arranging transport, setting reminders for the client, and, if necessary, accompanying them to their appointments. 

With your home carer helping to ensure that you book and attend these screenings, you increase your chances of early detection, offering peace of mind to both you and your loved ones. These proactive steps can be lifesaving, emphasising the importance of the Live-in Carer role in the overall daily healthcare.

Highlighting Common Cancer Screenings

Screenings for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer, among others, are time-tested tools for the early detection of cancer. Understanding the schedule and benefits of these screenings is imperative for informed decision-making.

Cancer Prevention Strategies for the Elderly

As age is a risk factor for cancer, it becomes essential to tailor prevention efforts for the elderly. Many of our Live-in Care clients are elderly so we thought it would be a good idea to also cover strategies that could help, specifically for the elderly.

Tailoring Recommendations for Senior Citizens

The maintenance of a healthy body weight, regular exercise, and adherence to a nutrient-rich diet are fundamental as we age. In addition, senior-specific screenings and vaccinations can also contribute significantly to prevention.

Addressing Age-Related Risk Factors

The elderly face unique challenges, from managing multiple conditions at the same time, to navigating a complex healthcare and medicinal landscape. Open communication with healthcare professionals and a strong support system, such as leaning on the support of your home carer can support you in these challenges and promote comprehensive well-being.

As we gear up for Cancer Prevention Action Week, it's the perfect moment to think about all the different choices and paths we can take to tackle this tough opponent. 

Remember, even the smallest steps in prevention can bring about huge benefits. Together, let's take action because preventing cancer is a journey we all need to embark on, step by step, choice by choice, and with a whole lot of heart. 

Whether it's choosing a healthier lifestyle or actively getting involved in our own healthcare journey, the road to preventing cancer is pretty diverse. Let this week not just be about learning and getting ready but also about motivating others to jump into the battle for a cancer-free future. 

If you have a relative or loved one that you feel would benefit from having the support of a live-in caregiver, please call us on 01264 319399 or email 

As a client of ours, our home carers will provide you with round-the-clock assistance tailored to meet your individual needs. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive and friendly 24-hour live-in care, allowing you to feel supported and empowered every step of the way.

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