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World Environment Day

Elderly couple in nature

Did you know?

This year’s World Environment Day – 5th June 2023 – is the fiftieth annual celebration of the planet and is focusing on the plastic pollution crisis. It is a reminder for all of us to focus on plastic pollution matters. You can always ask your Live-in Carer to help you look after our planet! Steps being taken by governments and businesses to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action but it’s time to accelerate this action and includes all of us!

The reason?

Humanity produces more than 430 million tonnes of plastic annually, two-thirds of which are short-lived products that soon become waste, filling the ocean and, often, working their way into the human food chain. We’re all becoming more and more aware of the problems of using and throwing plastics away without carefully recycling but there are still many people who aren’t aware that a material that is embedded in our daily life can have significant impacts not just on wildlife, but on the climate and on human health.

What can I do?

While the plastic pollution crisis needs systemic reform, individual choices do make a difference. Such as shifting behaviour to avoid single-use plastic products whenever possible. If plastic products are unavoidable, they should be reused until they can no longer be used – at which point they should be recycled or disposed of properly. Sort them into the recycling bin, take bags to the supermarkets, and if possible, strive to purchase locally sourced and seasonal food options that require less plastic packaging and transport. Your Live-in Carer can help you dispose of plastic correctly.

Some good news!

In 2016, scientists in Japan published an extraordinary finding. After scooping up some sludge from outside a bottle recycling facility in Osaka, they discovered bacteria which had developed the ability to decompose, or “eat,” plastic. The bacteria was only able to eat a particular kind of plastic called PET, from which bottles are commonly made, and it could not do so nearly fast enough to mitigate the tens of millions of tons of plastic waste that enter the environment every year. Still, this and a series of other breakthroughs in recent years mean it could one day be possible to build industrial-scale facilities where enzymes chomp on piles of landfill-bound plastic, or even to spray them on the mountains of plastic that accumulate in the ocean or in rivers. It’ll be a few years yet before the scale of this will really make the difference.

We do our part here at Access Care by recycling, reusing, and making more sustainable choices in our Head Office.

At Access Care, we are incredibly proud of the many live-in carers who have been with us for over a decade. These compassionate and accommodating home carers provide invaluable home care services to those who need it most. Whether it's basic assistance with daily tasks or 24 hour care, our carers always go above and beyond to meet the unique needs of each and every client they work with. With our home care services, you can rest assured that your loved one will always receive the highest level of care and support, no matter what their needs may be.


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