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What Should I Be Providing For My Live-In Carer?

Elderly couple meeting a live-in carer

When you first engage a Live-in Carer there is certainly a lot to think about and

you may be wondering what your Home Carer will need.

  • Most importantly, your Living in Carer will need their own bedroom with a bed and bed linen. There should also be some storage, in the form of a wardrobe or chest of drawers so that your Home Carer can unpack their belongings. Anything else is a bonus, but things like a television, bedside table, lamp, towels, and a chair if there’s enough room, can help your Living in Carer feel more comfortable.

  • Food for a Live-in Carer is usually provided by the Client and incorporated in the regular grocery shop. The Live in Carer will cook for their Client and themselves and a meal for one becomes a meal for two. Shared meals are a lovely way for Client and Carer to bond and your Live-in Carer will be happy to help you with menu planning, writing a shopping list and go shopping with you or assist with online shopping if you prefer to shop in this manner. Your Domiciliary Carer will take over responsibility for this if you would like them to do so. Sometimes, if you or your Live in Carer has a special dietary requirement, you may choose to pay your Livein Carer a food allowance and they would buy their own food rather than you purchase their food for them. A food allowance would usually be between £35-£50 per week and this would be agreed prior to a Live-in Carer commencing work with you.

  • PPE otherwise known as ‘personal protective equipment’ is any item which protects an individual from infection and is used by a Living in Carer when they are supporting their client with their personal care. PPE includes disposable gloves, plastic aprons and face masks. If you employ a Live-in Carer privately you would be responsible for providing PPE for them and if your Live-in Carer is employed by a managed agency, the agency would be responsible for providing PPE for their Carers.

My name is Jo Pinkney and I am a Client Relationship Consultant at Access Care Live-in Care agency in Hampshire. We are an introductory agency and our fully vetted and expertly trained Carers are self-employed. Self-employed Carers are responsible for providing their own personal protective equipment and will bring this with them when they start working with you.

I am always at the end of the phone and am happy to answer any questions you may have about preparing for your Live-in Carer.

Best wishes,


Client Relationship Consultant


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