Is it time to arrange Live-in care? Exclusive data shared with Sky News has revealed that the capacity of care homes in the UK decreased in 2022, marking the first decline in three years. This has brought concerns to the elderly who require care and support as they age. In this article, we will explore the effects of this on the elderly and how they can benefit from Live-in Care UK.
The capacity of care homes in the UK has shrunk for the first time in three years, according to recent reports. The population of elderly people in the UK is increasing, and the demand for care homes is expected to increase as well.
According to Sky News the NHS is currently facing a bed-blocking crisis and is under immense pressure to discharge numerous hospital patients into social care. Despite this urgent need, the care sector has seen a decrease in bed capacity, with a reduction of 230 beds over the past year. This is the first year-on-year decline in bed numbers since 2019.
This shrinking capacity has been linked to a shortage of staff and funding, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data collected by CSI Market Intelligence, 247 care homes shut down in the previous year, while only 123 new businesses entered the market. This marks the lowest number of new entrants since 2015.
The elderly population is vulnerable and requires care and support as they age. Care homes have traditionally been the go-to option for many families. However, the shrinking capacity of care homes has led to a situation where many elderly people are left without proper care and support. This can have serious implications for their health and well-being, as they may not have access to the care they require.
“The situation in the care sector is critical," stated Mario Kreft, who chairs Care Forum Wales, an organisation that represents over 450 care and nursing homes, in an interview with Sky News.
"The root of the issue is the significant underfunding, which is causing closures. The unbearable pressure is likely to lead to more closures."
During the winter, certain care providers experienced a surge of up to 1000% in their fuel bills. On top of this, they had to grapple with increasing food costs and a diminishing workforce.
Skills for Care reported a 52% rise in staffing vacancies within the sector last year, bringing the total number of vacancies to 165,000.
The closure of care homes puts additional pressure on the residents and their families as they are forced to look for new accommodation. This transition can be challenging, disorienting and upsetting for many elderly. They may struggle to adjust to new routines which can lead to feelings of frustration and anxiety.
Social isolation can be a significant issue for the elderly when moving to a new accommodation. They may be leaving behind a network of friends, and this can make them feel lonely and disconnected.
In this situation one alternative option for the elderly is Live-in Care. Live in Care is a type of care where a carer lives with the person receiving care, providing 24-hour support and assistance. This type of home care is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, especially in the current climate where care home capacity is shrinking. Live-in Care has many benefits for the elderly.
Firstly, it provides them with the peace of mind of having someone with them at all times, which can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Secondly, it allows them to maintain their independence and live in the comfort of their own home, rather than being in an unfamiliar environment such as a care home.
Thirdly, Live-in Care is a more cost-effective option compared to care homes, especially for those who require 24-hour care.
Live in Care provides a range of services, including personal care, medication management, cooking, and cleaning. They can also provide emotional support and companionship, which is important for the elderly who may be feeling lonely or isolated.
With the elderly population in the UK expected to increase in the coming years, it is important to explore all options for care and support, and Live-in Care is a promising solution.
Contact our friendly team if you’d like more information about Live-in Care – 01264 319 399