"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." — Audrey Hepburn
It is always deeply touching to learn about the joy of a long-standing relationship enjoying many years together and still sharing laughter and love, despite deteriorating health and sometimes a chronic quality of life. That deep understanding that just a touch, a smile, a sweet word, which holds two people together, is to be cherished.
Providing Live-in Care for couples has this special reward and what could be more wonderful than for a long-established couple to be able to remain in their home to live out their days together? So often later in life a husband or wife no longer has the strength themselves to look after their dearly loved one, so to have a Live-in Carer to help them is priceless.
There are challenges to caring for couples, of course, and patience is to be valued as well as a sense of humour. At Access Care, we are here to talk through any issues which may arise and discuss solutions to handle the demands of looking after two people together. We support both home carer and client and our experience has taught us ways to help you as a living in carer.
One of our carers, lovely Fatima, has looked after a loving couple for several months, who without her, and other livein carers like her, simply could not stay together. She says how much she loves their company, their relationship, how funny they are and the laughter that is shared altogether, the best of medicines.
Looking after couples at home may come with challenges but also attracts a higher pay rate for you as a live in carer, and after all you are giving two people the gift of staying at home with each other. What could be better than that?
“Love cures people—both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it." - Karl Menninger
If you would like to become a self-employed Live-in Carer with Access Care and find your perfect booking, then get in touch with our Recruitment Team on 01264 319399 or email jobs@access-care.co.uk