During these extraordinary times, there are words to a song that keep coming back to me at the moment which make me think of the truly tough and truly amazing work domiciliary carers are doing at the moment. The words are from the song by Billy Ocean:
‘When the Going Gets Tough
The tough get going…”
We are very much still recruiting for home carers and every day I am talking to those coming forward who are new to this career and keen to get involved - their enthusiasm is humbling and wonderful. And ‘old hands’, those experienced domiciliary carers who really know what is involved, are also keen to register and get to work. It is wonderful to hear them say they are willing and raring to go. We are so impressed by those ready to take up our temporary registration process and provide their papers and go for our video link interviews. Well done and thank you! You really are the toughest.
Every Thursday evening, when we step out of our doors at 8 p.m., our team all gives an extra clap for our at home carers as well as all the amazing NHS staff and key workers keeping our lives together. Our clients and their families value your work in ensuring they or their loved ones are as safe as can possibly be at this vulnerable time, due to the caring and kindness of our live-in carers.
Thank you to you all.
Please come forward and chat to us about what we can do to help you get work caring for our most vulnerable. Call our free phone number 01264 319399 or email jobs@access-care.co.uk
Written by recruitment consultant Tahira.