We are here to help as many people during the COVID-19 pandemic as we can. Our qualified, vetted and expertly trained live-in carers provide companion care to people living in their own homes and needing assistance, and they are on standby to be placed with clients during isolation.
By arranging a livein carer for your elderly or vulnerable loved one, you provide peace of mind for the whole family. At a time when we have to stay in our own homes and are unable to pop in and check on our relatives, keep them company throughout the day and make sure they are OK at night, it's important to remember help in available.
A live-in carer can help with:
Pharmacy pick up and delivery of medicines
Online food shop
Monitor symptoms and contact 111 as needed
Be on hand to help FaceTime or Skype family members
Provide companionship to avoid feelings of loneliness
Complex home care needs
Daily exercise and walks in safe areas
Looking after pets
Cooking nutritious meals
Snuggling down at the end of the day to watch a film, read a book, or just to have a conversation
Our domiciliary carers and our clients have access to our office team 24hrs a day and we're here in case of emergencies. But more than that we want you to know we're also here to have a chat, if you're feeling nervous or worried about what's going on, if your relative wants to talk to us about anything, or if our living in carers have any concerns.
The Access Care team are committed to helping you and your family through this chaotic time - you can call us on 01264 319399 to arrange emergency care at home for your loved one, or simply call us to talk through your care options and we will do our best to help you find a solution. You can also email us on hello@access-care.co.uk
Stay inside - stay safe.