"My daughter is working for the NHS as a nurse and is on the front-line for COVID-19 patients. She recently had symptoms and is at home, now recovering, thank goodness. It just means I am particularly keen to help look after any COVID-19 recovering patients wherever I am needed. Please send me to help others!"
- JN, Live-in Carer
We have had the most amazing response to our live-in carer recruitment drive in these turbulent times – so many livein carers have come forward to help care for those recovering from COVID-19 in hotel-based care facilities and care homes. We also had a large amount of live in carers come forward for non-COVID-19 hospital patients who are being moved out of hospitals and into hotels supported by carers to aid patients in recovery so they can safely go back to the comforts of their own homes. We are enormously proud of our live-in carers and our hearts are warmed by so many of them seeking to care for people in need of 24hr care during these difficult days.
This pandemic situation is unprecedented in recent times and the caring industry is even more demand than before. We are offering temporary emergency registration by video with our recruitment team to those home carers who are interested in registering with us to find work, although we also ask that everyone is completely ready with paperwork and recent training certificates before we offer this as demand is so high!
Our lovely new live-in carer, who made the opening statement above, is starting work in a care home and she is very excited. We are immensely impressed by her courage and grateful to all our live-in carers for their strength. If you haven’t already seen it on our social media pages, do go to our team’s Clap For Carers video - click here to view!
On behalf of all those who need 24hr care and from us at Access Care, Thank You carers from the bottom of our hearts. And remember to stay safe - if you need us, our team is here to help you - simply call us on 01264 319399 or email jobs@access-care.co.uk to reach our recruitment team.