As our relatives grow older, they require more support - whether that is to carry on with daily tasks in their own home, or have assistance with more complex care and medical needs. Having a live-in carer will take the pressure from you as they are there to provide 24 hour live in care for your relative. This helps your elderly relatives live a more independent life in their own home; and most importantly provide your whole family with peace of mind.
We as a live-in care agency, help arrange the finest live-in carers to live with your elderly relatives in their own homes. Our family run business is based in Hampshire, however we help families across the UK find the perfect private carer to suit their relatives needs and wants. We have been helping families for over 23 years and think that live-in care is the perfect alternative to a care home - it allows couples to stay together and live life the way they want; keep beloved pets; and live a more independent life.
Our live-in carers are adept at providing at home care for elderly clients, they help elderly relatives stay comfortable in their own home - whether that is by:
- cooking homemade meals;
- helping with housekeeping;
- accompanying them to their favourite places to visit;
- hosting family and friends;
- ensuring they remember to take their medication;
- helping them get dressed in the morning and ensuring they are safe in bed at night;
- being a companion to them to enjoy their favourite activities like board games or gardening;
- looking after beloved pets;
- and keeping couples living together in the comfort of their familiar surroundings.
A live-in carer will also provide the medical care required for more complex needs for the elderly - all you have to do is tell us your story and we will make sure your relatives live-in carer is the perfect match for them.
Call us today to arrange live-in care for your elderly relatives on 01264 319399 or email hello@access-care.co.uk - we would love to help you!