As we enter the second lockdown in England, the team at Access Care are thinking of ways of how we can support the elderly community around us during such an uncertain time. One of the positives to come out of the first lockdown is how communities pulled together to help each other and we wanted to encourage our community, and the communities around us to do the same.
During lockdown many people may feel anxious and isolated - especially the elderly and those who are more vulnerable to the virus. That is understandable - what we can do is help each other feel a little better during this time, and keep people around us safe. Here are a few things you can do in lockdown to help elderly relatives, friends and neighbours:
Be Positive and Calm
Although many of us are feeling uncertain and a little anxious, there is no need to panic yourself or those around you. Listen to government guidelines, stay home, stay safe - but at the same time look after your mental health and take time away from social media and maybe even the news if this is making you feel a little anxious. Remaining positive and calm will not only help you, but also others around you.
Check On Elderly Neighbours
Many of our elderly neighbours will be spending lockdown on their own - a simple phone call or text can make a big difference to someones day. Check in to ensure they're OK, help them tackle loneliness, and see if there are any essential items they need help with sourcing.
Get Involved With Your Local Community
Many neighbourhoods have set up community schemes to help those more vulnerable. These can be donating to food banks, helping elderly neighbours with shopping and keeping them company from afar, helping with prescriptions, making up essential boxes, and so many more wonderful ideas! Check your local social media pages to help these incentives.
Follow Government Guidelines
Keep an eye on the changes to the guidelines and the measures to help protect the elderly and vulnerable people - you can view them here:
If you have been in contact with someone who is ill, or if you're not feeling well yourself avoid contact with other people (especially if they are elderly) and quarantine yourself. You can ask family members to visit the shop for essentials, or order online.
Have A Back Up Plan
If there is someone depending on you during lockdown, make sure you have a back up plan should you get ill. If you at home care for someone, we can help you arrange short term live-in care or respite care so your relative or loved one will be well looked after if you need to take time away from care or self-isolate.
To talk to us about arranging live-in care call our team on 01264 319399 or email - we are here to give you information on different types of domiciliary care, help you figure out what's best for your family, and arrange emergency care should you need it.