It is very important to stay healthy as you get older - keeping your body and mind healthy will help prevent illnesses and diseases. If you feel your health is suffering as you are finding it harder to keep on top of things, you might want to consider a live-in carer to help support you and keep you as fit and as healthy as you can be.
Making healthy choices are important to keep you healthy for longer for example eating correctly, not smoking, keep yourself hygienic – have showers or baths regularly and washing your hands, especially throughout the flu season! Make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids - water is the best, and hot drinks like tea throughout winter will help keep you warm. A living-in carer can help to ensure that you eat nutritious meals and include fruit and veg in your diet.
Stay Active
Making sure you are active is very significant to keeping healthy. To keep physically healthy, it is advised to go out on day trips and to take a walk around your village regularly – it’s never too late to start going for a walk frequently! Mentally you can keep active by making puzzles and reading the newspaper. A live in care giver can motivate and encourage you to keep fit and active, as well as support you while you are undertaking your activities such as when you take local walks around the neighbourhood.
Keeping social can help with your health, meeting with family or friends is a great way to keep healthy and helps to keep a positive mood. Try out new hobbies like painting, gardening, or getting involved in a local community group - your live-in carer can help you!
The effects of being lonely are devastating for both mental and physical health - you can read all about it in our blog post here.
As we get older it can be difficult to face changes to our routine, as hard as it is sometimes it’s good to be try and accept things that you cannot control and try to look at things with a positive view. Also take every day as it comes and remember to be thankful of the things and people you do have in your life.
Sometimes sleeping through the night can be hard as we get older. Make sure, if you can, go to bed when you are feeling tired, not just because it is when you usually go to bed and wake up at the same time in the morning, this can help you regulate your sleeping pattern. A live in carer can help to ensure that you are in a good sleep routine by reminding you when to go to bed and helping you to wake up in the morning.
Here are a few suggested things you get checked regularly as you get older:
Blood pressure test – 2 years
Eye and hearing test – every 1-2 years depending on your circumstances
Vaccines –flu jab – every year, pneumonia jab – if you haven’t previously had it), tetanus - 10 years
Dental appointment – 6 months depending on your circumstances.
If you think you or a loved one could benefit from having a live-in carer, please call us on 01264 319399 or email hello@access-care.co.uk - we would love to help you. With our full-time home care support, you will receive round-the-clock assistance tailored to meet your individual needs.
Our dedicated live-in care team is committed to ensuring that you not only enjoy a high quality of life but also have the freedom to live as independently as possible alongside our living in carers, while retaining control and choice over your daily routines.
Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive and friendly 24-hour live-in care, allowing you to feel supported and empowered every step of the way.