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Elderly Loneliness At Christmas - Live-In Carers Are Here For You!

Elderly Loneliness At Christmas | Live-in Care Support

Loneliness can be experienced by people of all ages and throughout life. In fact, although the feeling is slightly different, it is possible to feel ‘alone’ even if we have people around us. We help arrange live-in carers to provide companion care, as well as more complex care needs - however sometimes we do end up missing family, friends or a partner who is no longer with us. Your live in carer is there to help you feel festive and keep in touch with loved ones at Christmas and lift your spirits!

Here are some ideas your live-in carer can help you with to avoid feeling lonely this Christmas:

  • Ask your living in carer to research your local community - they can turn to us and we’ll send you both a list of suggestions and ways that are bespoke to you and your community to see if we can help you make connections and meet new people. We know you and your situation so are well-placed to help you and would really like to!

  • Ask your domiciliary carer to help you connect with your family at Christmas and arrange a time with them for you to ‘video-call’ them using Facebook, Skype or similar!

  • Ask your carer to research the local community – read the parish magazine, the church noticeboard, and see what happens right on your doorstep so you can join in your local community activities.

  • Think about what you like, used to like or want to try and ask your carer to help you find a group which helps you learn this activity to join, or find people with similar interests to talk to.

  • Get outside – wrap up and walk if you can, whether it’s just around the corner or to the local pub, coffee shop or on the park. Seeing people is the first step to connecting with them.

Your live-in carer is there to help provide you with companionship, as well as so much more. And remember - our friendly office team, and your Client Relationship Consultant, are here for you anytime you need a chat! We love listening to your stories and getting updates on how you're getting on - either call your dedicated Client Relationship Consultant on their direct line on phone us on our freephone line 0800 980 3958.

If you are looking to arrange Companion Live-in Care, call our friendly live-in care consultants on 01264 319399 or email


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