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Easter Activities For People With Dementia Live-in Care At Home

Easter Activities For People With Dementia

Fun Easter activities to do at home with someone who has dementia - fun the whole family can enjoy!

1. Paint Eggs

Some of the steps involved in decorating Easter eggs can be difficult for people with dementia. But that should stop the fun - they can still decorate the eggs with a little prep work from their home carers! Before getting started with painting the eggs, use a white crayon to draw fun shapes on your eggs, such as flowers, lines, or animals like rabbits. Give your loved one some watercolour paint and encourage them to get creative. The white crayon will resist the paint and the image will be revealed - the whole family can get involved in this one!

2. Garden On Your Windowsill

Many people use the season of spring to get out in their garden. But for those living with dementia it can be hard to look after big patches of growing vegetables or flowers. Use your loved ones windowsill to start a small herb garden - help them plant the herbs from seeds and watch them grow! You can help them take care of their plants and enjoy them in a salad together.

3. DIY Easter Cards & Send To Friends & Relatives

Help your loved one with dementia remember their loved ones and get creative by making your own Easter cards. Grab different colours of paper, decorations like glitter, floral appliqué, stickers, and multi coloured pencils. Once decorated, leave to dry and then help them fill in and send the cards!

4. Host An Easter Egg Hunt

Your loved one with dementia can get involved in an Easter egg hunt and help you hide eggs around the house/garden - please only do this with people in your household who you are social distancing with! Opt for chocolate or plastic eggs - in case they drop the egg, there won't be frustration or any upset. By involving your loved one in family activities you are helping them lead a better quality of life, feel needed, and get some light exercise by moving around. You will also be making wonderful memories together!

5. Create Scented Sachets

This fun activity includes working with scents which can help stimulate and bring back memories, and by choosing herbs such as lavender or chamomile will help reduce any feelings of anxiety. Grab a few colourful cloths with different patterns, and a selection of dried herbs such as lavender, chamomile, rosemary, mint, rose petals, cinnamon, and other dried herbs you like. Once you've filled the sachet, glue or sew this shut and find the perfect drawer to place this in. You can also make these sachets as presents for loved ones.

Our friendly Live-in Care team are always happy to help, - call our team on 01264 319 399 or email to have a chat with us  regarding in home dementia care.


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