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Things To Consider Before Caring For An Elderly Relative

Caring For An Elderly Relative | Home Care For Parents

Things to consider before caring for an elderly relative

There are a few things to consider before choosing to care for an elderly relative yourself, and everyone's circumstances are different so we understand the need to consider all options and figure out which works best for you. We picked 3 things to think about when choosing whether to care for your elderly relative yourself, or seeking help.

Your Time

Caring for an elderly relative will have an impact on your daily schedule, and time should be one of the very first things you take into account when choosing care options. Being a caregiver is a big responsibility and depending on the level of care your relative needs you could be spending most of your day providing care. This will only increase over time as your relative gets older or their condition progresses.

You need to ensure you understand and have the time to give to your relative, and also assess how this will impact your family, your job, and wellbeing.

Your Relationship With Your Relative

As well as considering how your wider relationships will be affected, it's important to understand that caring for an elderly relative can have an impact on the relationship between the two of you.

You will need to be prepared for a little role reversal which can be difficult for both people - you grew up being cared for by your parent or relative, now the time has come to provide care for them. The purpose of your visits will change too - instead of catching up and spending leisurely time together, you will be seeing your relative to care for them and helping them with daily chores.

You will both also need to feel comfortable when it comes to some daily care needs like looking after personal hygiene or getting dressed, or sensitive topics such as finances.

Training In Medication Prompts & More Complex Care Needs

Depending on your relatives care needs, you may need to have professional training to be able to provide them with the assistance they need. From medication prompts to using hoists, to administering medication you will need to have the correct skills and knowledge. There is a possibility that you will need to react quickly and correctly administer the required medication during and episode - so ensure you can act in a quick, calm, and confident manner is crucial.

Where To Find Help

We can help you arrange 24 hour care for your elderly relative and take the pressure away from you. Live-in care provides peace of mind for the whole family - you are confident in knowing that a live in carer will live with your loved one ensuring they receive round-the-clock care.

If you would like to talk about care options for your relative, call our friendly live-in care advisors on 01264 319399 for a confidential, no-obligation care consultation or email


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