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Access Care Live-In Care Recruitment Team Are Welcoming The Spring!

Spring activities for the elderly

“For glad Spring has begun, And to the ardent sun The earth, long time so bleak, Turns a frost-bitten cheek.”

- Celia Thaxter, American poet (1835–94)

I don’t know about you but for us at Access Care this winter seemed endless with the long periods of rain and constant news of flooding and storms, one after the other. So it is with a huge surge of hopefulness that I spotted in the calendar that the spring equinox is taking place a tiny bit earlier this year on 19th of March and with it comes a surge of positiveness and looking forward to days of warmth, sunshine and being able to sit in a window by the garden or take a trip to the park.

On the equinox, the length of day and night is nearly equal - the word equinox coming from the Latin words for “equal night”—aequus (equal) and nox (night). Increasing sunlight hours see a surge in growth and new life everywhere. It is already remarkable to see so many plants and wildflowers growing in abundance. I went walking with my little grandson last week and we named at least ten different wildflowers growing along the paths and banks – nature is such a joy and helps make us so hopeful. This is a great activity to do with your live-in care client if they can get out and about, or you can spot flowers in their garden! World news can be momentarily pushed to the backs of our minds as we focus for a while on the beauty around us. I helped my grandson very carefully pick one flower of each variety and make a tiny bouquet to put in an egg cup for his mummy.

In my memories, I recall so clearly my own grandmother’s garden, the array of flowers and fruit and smells of the earth and as I get older these still are so clear. Bringing back those memories for our livein care clients especially at this time of year seems such a natural, positive, happy and simple thing to do. To see a smile on their faces is a reward in itself. So many of our live in carers will carry out these simple and yet priceless gestures. Bring the sunshine and warmth back into your lives at the start of spring!

Written by Recruitment Consultant Tahira - if you would like to register as a self-employed live-in carer, call our friendly team on 01264 319399 or email and we will help you find work!

"Where flowers bloom so does hope."

– Lady Bird Johnson, First Lady of the United States (1912 – 2007)


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