Access care is a live in carer agency. Feedback we have received on our live-in carer training has been really positive.
“Great fun and informative” were the words of one live-in carer, “Oh wow, you guys really care about your carers” came from the mouth of another. They are right (even if we do say so ourselves), the live-in training delivered by the experts at Access Care Training spend copious amounts of time and effort ensuring that not only necessary mandatory skills, but also all the ‘extras’ that elevate a good care workers to an excellent private care worker, are delivered with passion and enthusiasm whilst being relevant and broken into bite-sized chunks that people can understand and importantly, retain. We offer two types of courses:
Complete Care – 3 Days Expert Training For Just £250
This three-day course is specifically designed for people who are wishing to begin a career providing domiciliary care.
The course starts with a session on understanding the role of a care worker and progresses from there to the basic concepts of delivering ‘personal care’ E.g. helping people to wash and dress whilst ensuring their dignity, assisting with continence management, medication prompts and reminders (and an in depth look at the safety aspect and best working practises of this) and what we call the ‘finishing touches’ shaving and helping with make-up and hair, all with infection control in mind.
Nutrition and home-cooking come into the course next and you are taught how to keep you and your client safe whilst providing nutritious, delicious meals – there’s even an Access Care Cookbook to take home and try!
The course moves on to cover how you as a live-in carer will risk assess every task you perform for the person you care for holding the necessary regulations of health & safety firmly in your mind. Moving & Handling and First Aid are all delivered days in theoretical and practical form, with each of you physically practising the skills you are being taught; vital to ensure you deliver your care in the safest way possible.
Safeguarding and mental capacity create a module which serves to provoke emotion and encourage you to think, as indeed does end of life care, which can be tough so it’s important you leave the course with the coping mechanisms to help the family you will have become so close too at such a sad and difficult time.
On this course we don’t look too much into the ‘conditions’ that you may be caring for we we do have a module on ‘Understanding Dementia & Alzheimer’s’ chosen as we know that this is now such a prevalent condition. We feel all home carers benefit from learning how best to provide high quality and supportive dementia care at home.
The three-day Complete Care Course is packed-full of useful tips, tricks and helpful hints, as well as the core knowledge needed to start a career in homecare.
Booster Care – 2 Days Expert Training For Just £150
The very best home-carers regularly update their training skills at least every two years and this course has been designed with ‘boosting’ skills in mind. Our Trainers ensure the course is just as much fun as the Complete Care whilst delivered at a pace for the more experienced and each module exploring the subject matter in more depth to provide broader understanding and therefore improved care skills.
The Course covers more advanced personal care skills, an update and refresher in Safeguarding, First Aid, Medication, Moving & Handling and End of Life Care. We add new modules at this stage which we rotate every two years (this ensures our wonderful carers who register with Access Care Management) constantly upskill and improve their portfolios. 2018 has delivered Neurological Conditions Awareness - to give a greater understanding of care for a client with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, MS, Cerebral Palsy or Stroke and Brain Injury Care Awareness - to give an awareness of the condition.
The two-day course brings with it a priceless networking opportunity where you can meet other self-employed home carers who are doing the job you do – chat to them, swap stories, top tips, ideas to provide better care, whether it be holistic or otherwise. We know and completely understand that being a ‘live-in carer’ can feel isolated at times so opportunities like these are priceless.
We sometimes get asked why we charge for our Training Courses. Well, we are Access Care Training Limited sister company to Access Care) and we deliver training courses, predominantly to self-employed private Carers but also to members of the public, hourly care agencies and to anyone that would like to train in one of our subjects! The courses are yours and you take away a portfolio of certificates to enhance your CV and help you get the work you want and need.
If you are interested in booking a place on either our Complete Care or Booster Care then please call us on 01264 326 510 or email and we'll be delighted to tell you more!