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Exploring the Opportunities in Clinical Trials at Re:Cognition Health Advancing Alzheimer’s Research through Participation

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In the United Kingdom, hundreds of thousands of people volunteer for clinical trials every year.

Clinical trials are at the forefront of medical research, and their significance cannot be overstated. They are essential for advancing our knowledge of diseases and developing innovative new treatments for a wide range of health conditions and diseases. These trials help answer critical questions about the safety, side effects and effectiveness of medications and medical interventions. Clinical studies are designed not only to improve health but also to enhance the overall quality of life for individuals battling various medical conditions. Every clinical trial conducted brings us closer to unlocking new treatments and understanding the complex intricacies of human health.


Understanding the Phases of Clinical Studies

Clinical trials are typically divided into three distinct phases:

  • Phase 1: This is the initial stage of a clinical trial, where a small group of volunteers is exposed to the medication or intervention. The primary objective of Phase 1 is to assess safety and potential side effects.

  • Phase 2: Phase 2 expands the study to a larger group of participants, aiming to further evaluate safety, side effects, and the treatment's effectiveness in managing the condition.

  • Phase 3: Phase 3 clinical trials are randomised studies that involve a substantial number of participants. In these trials, volunteers are divided into two or more groups. The first group receives the active medication, while the second group is given a placebo, which is a treatment that does not contain active ingredients. The goal of Phase 3 is to gather comprehensive data on the medication's effectiveness and its impact on patients.


The Role of Placebos 

One of the most common questions asked about clinical trials is, "Why do some participants receive placebo medication?" Placebos play a crucial role in clinical trials. They are designed to look identical to the active medication but lack the active ingredients. By including placebos, researchers can assess whether the treatment under investigation is genuinely beneficial. It helps distinguish between actual medical effects and the potential psychological or placebo effect – the phenomenon where individuals may feel better or improve because they believe in the treatment.


Opportunity for Participants

It's important to note that participants in Phase 3 clinical trials may have the chance to switch to the active medication after the initial study period. This transition typically occurs during the Open Label Extension period, ensuring that all participants have the opportunity to access the active study drug. The inclusion of this extension period is especially common in neurodegenerative condition studies.


Blind Trials and Double-Blinded Trials

In some clinical trials, participants are not informed about which group they are assigned to. This is known as a "blind trial" and is done to prevent any influence on the volunteers' perceptions and reporting of symptoms. A "double-blinded trial" takes this a step further, where not only participants but also the medical teams and doctors remain unaware of group assignments, further minimising potential biases.


How to Get Involved at Re:Cognition Health

Re:Cognition Health is a world-leading centre for conducting clinical trials and has received numerous prestigious awards for its significant impact on society. To express your interest in participating in ongoing trials, simply contact a member of the Re:Cognition Health team at 0203 355 3536. They can provide information about current opportunities and guide you through the enrollment process.


The Benefits of Clinical Trials

Participating in clinical trials at Re:Cognition Health offers numerous advantages, both for you and future generations:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: Access to the most advanced diagnostic tools.

  • Disease Modification: The potential to slow or stop disease progression.

  • Early Access: The only chance to access new-generation drugs ahead of general availability.

  • Taking Control: An opportunity to proactively manage your health and shape your future.

  • Regular Health Monitoring: Ongoing health check-ups.

  • No Cost to Participate: Clinical trial expenses are reimbursed.

  • Contributing to Research: Vital contributions to help future generations.



Qualifications for Clinical Trials at Re:Cognition Health

If you're considering participation, here are some general qualifications for clinical trials at Re:Cognition Health:

  • Age: Typically, participants should be between 50 and 90 years old.

  • Memory Changes: Individuals with memory changes, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), or Mild Alzheimer's Disease are often eligible. This means we do not always need a diagnosis at screening for a trial. We can assist your GP/Memory Clinic/Neurologist by communicating with them with regards to the biomarker tests and scans we can perform.

  • Study Partner: It's generally required that participants have a study partner who can attend visits with them.

  • Symptomatic Medications: In many cases, volunteers can remain on specific symptomatic medications like Aricept/donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine, or memantine. However, there are certain exclusions, and individuals may not qualify if they have:

  • Pacemaker

  • History of Stroke in the Past 2 Years

  • Cancer Diagnosis in the Past 5 Years (unless basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma and has been removed from the skin)

  • Current (Unstable) Medical Conditions: This may include heart disease, central nervous system disorders, Hepatitis C, and others.


Participating in clinical trials is a significant commitment, but it's also an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the field of medicine and improve healthcare for countless individuals in the future.

Clinical trials are a cornerstone of medical progress, offering participants the chance to take an active role in advancing healthcare. By engaging in these trials, individuals contribute not only to their wellbeing but also to the broader scientific understanding of diseases and their treatments. Re:Cognition Health is at the forefront of clinical research, providing opportunities for involvement and a pathway to a brighter and healthier future for all. Your participation today can transform the healthcare landscape for tomorrow's generations.

For further information visit or email or call 0203 808 5439.

Thank you to Re:Cognition for writing this insightful blog, our expert Live-in Care team are always keen to share the latest news and information on advancing healthcare.

If you or your loved one has Alzheimer's and would benefit from having a Live-in Carer or would like more information, please call us on 01264 319 399 or email or visit our website

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